
  • Priscilla Lizbeth Perez Jaramillo Medicine, Technical University of Machala, Machala, ECU
  • Jenniffer Betzabeth Montoya Alcivar Medicine, Technical University of Machala, Machala, ECU
  • Nathaly Elizabeth Salinas Quito Medicine, Technical University of Machala, Machala, ECU
  • Franklin Vinicio Fajardo Lapo Medicine, Technical University of Machala, Machala, ECU
  • Edgar Cristhelier Zambrano Ramírez Medicine, Technical University of Machala, Machala, ECU
  • Darling Estefania Argudo Jima Medicine, Technical University of Machala, Machala, ECU
  • Jerson Amado Ochoa Asanza Medicine, Technical University of Machala, Machala, ECU


Breast cancer, management, treatment, covid-19, women.


Breast cancer is the most common among women worldwide, accounting for 16% of all female cancers. Due to the new modality, in Ecuador, public health services have been restricted or are being carried out through telemedicine, which greatly affects patients suffering from cancer. The objective of this article is to establish the management of breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic, by reviewing the scientific literature from the last 4 years. For this research, the analytical - synthetic method was used and data collection techniques is the bibliographic - documentary. The search and review of scientific articles in indexed journals, published in the last 4 years, was carried out. Before making a decision about the management of the person with Ca, the risks of starting or continuing treatment against Ca should be discussed with him, taking into account that the therapies are most of the time systemic, increasing the risk of have further complications if you become infected with the coronavirus. In conclusion, for adequate management of women suffering from breast cancer, it is necessary to comply with the general recommendations for cancer patients, having the main concern in determining the risk benefit of the treatment, taking into account the patient's opinion about it, prior discussion on the subject with the patient. As a relevant point, the risk of contagion of Covid-19 must be minimized, complying with the protocols and reducing the visit time to the Health Center as much as possibleKey words:   Breast cancer, management, treatment, covid-19, women.




How to Cite

Priscilla Lizbeth Perez Jaramillo, Jenniffer Betzabeth Montoya Alcivar, Nathaly Elizabeth Salinas Quito, Franklin Vinicio Fajardo Lapo, Edgar Cristhelier Zambrano Ramírez, Darling Estefania Argudo Jima, & Jerson Amado Ochoa Asanza. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF BREAST CANCER IN ECUADOR DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 10(3), 170–174. Retrieved from