
  • Dr. Abdullah Khalid Assistant Professor, Business Finance and Economics, Maulana Azad University, Jodhpur


India's balance of payment (BoP) and balance of trade (BoT) play pivotal roles in shaping the country's economic landscape and international relations. This abstract provides a concise overview of these critical indicators and their significance in the context of India's economic development.

The balance of payment refers to the systematic record of all economic transactions between India and the rest of the world during a specific period. It comprises three main components: the current account, capital account, and financial account. The current account tracks the flow of goods, services, income, and current transfers, while the capital account measures cross-border investments in physical and financial assets. The financial account captures changes in foreign ownership of domestic assets and vice versa.

Meanwhile, the balance of trade solely focuses on the difference between the value of a country's exports and imports of goods and services. A positive trade balance occurs when exports exceed imports (trade surplus), whereas a negative balance indicates higher imports than exports (trade deficit).

India has historically faced a persistent trade deficit due to its heavy reliance on imports, especially of crude oil, gold, and electronics. However, the country's robust service sector, including IT outsourcing, has contributed to a surplus in the services trade, partly offsetting the merchandise trade deficit.

In recent years, India has undertaken several policy initiatives to boost exports, reduce import dependency, and attract foreign investment, aiming to improve its balance of payment position. The success of such measures is crucial for maintaining stable foreign exchange reserves, promoting economic growth, and ensuring sustainable development.




How to Cite

Dr. Abdullah Khalid. (2023). INDIA’S BALANCE OF PAYMENT AND BALANCE OF TRADE: AN OVERVIEW. International Journal of Asian Economic Light, 11(5), 1–4. Retrieved from