
  • Christian M.Baylon Department of Science and Technology- Industrial Technology Development Institute


Online Marketing Strategies, Small Business Enterprises, Competitive Advantage, Digital Marketplace, Opportunities, Resources, Technical Expertise, Business Objectives, Comprehensive Online Marketing Plan, Proposed Model, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, Effectiveness.


 This study aimed to explore the online marketing strategies employed by small business enterprises in Taguig City towards a model for achieving a competitive advantage in the digital marketplace. The introduction provides a background of the study, the problem statement, the research objectives, and the research questions.

The study employs a survey where the selected one hundred fifty-eight (158) respondents from Barangay Upper fifty-three (53), Central fifty-three (53), and New Lower Bicutan as the lowest number of respondents with fifty-two (52) using the purposive sampling method as the online seller subjected of this research study as samples for some purpose. Individuals for selected small business enterprises under this study were chosen as samples, thus representative of the overall population of business enterprises in Taguig City to identify the most common online marketing strategies used by small businesses. The qualitative method involves a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced in implementing these strategies.

The survey results indicate the most common online marketing strategies used by small businesses in Taguig City. The qualitative data analysis highlights the unique challenges and opportunities facing small businesses in Taguig City in implementing these strategies. The results suggest that small businesses face challenges such as a lack of resources, inadequate technical expertise, and competition from larger companies.

The study findings are discussed concerning existing literature on online marketing strategies for small businesses. The discussion highlights the importance of having a comprehensive online marketing plan that considers the target audience, business objectives, and available resources. The discussion also considers the unique challenges and opportunities facing small businesses in Taguig City and provides recommendations for addressing these challenges and capitalizing on these opportunities.

The study recommends and develops a proposed model for small business enterprises in Taguig City to achieve competitive advantage through effective online marketing strategies. The proposed model considers the unique challenges and opportunities faced by small businesses in Taguig City and provides a step-by-step approach for developing and implementing effective online marketing strategies. The study recommends that small businesses should invest in social media marketing, search engine optimization, and email marketing while considering their target audience and available resources. The study also recommended further research on the effectiveness of the proposed model in achieving a competitive advantage in online marketing.


