
  • A Vishnukumar Sainik School Amaravathinagar Post: Amaravathinagar,Udumalpet Taluka,Tirupur Dt,Tamilnadu State


find_vect(), sequential search, index(), vector and list.


The abstract of the comparison between find_vect() sequential search methodology and the index() method of a list for finding the index of a given element is as follows:

Sequential search is a commonly used method to search for an element in a vector. The find_vect() function employs sequential search to locate the index of a given element within a vector. On the other hand, the index() method of a list in Python provides a direct way to find the index of an element.

This comparative analysis focuses on the efficiency and performance of these two methodologies in terms of finding an element's index. The find_vect() function iteratively searches through the vector until it locates the element, while the index() method directly returns the index of the element from the list.

In terms of time complexity, the find_vect() sequential search methodology has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the size of the vector. This means that as the size of the vector increases, the searching process becomes slower due to having to iterate through each element. On the other hand, the index() method of a list has an average time complexity of O(n), but it can perform significantly faster, especially for large lists, due to its internal implementation.

However, the index() method is only available for lists in Python, whereas the find_vect() function can be implemented for both vectors and lists. Additionally, if the vector or list is unsorted, the find_vect() method can still find the index of the element, while the index() method assumes the list is sorted.

In conclusion, the find_vect() sequential search methodology provides a versatile approach for finding the index of a given element, suitable for unsorted vectors or lists. On the other hand, the index() method of a list offers a direct and potentially faster option, especially for large lists or sorted data. The choice between these methods depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of the data being searched.




How to Cite

A Vishnukumar. (2023). FINDING AN INDEX OF GIVEN ELEMENT OF A VECTOR USING . EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 9(12), 267–269. Retrieved from